Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Soccer Camp
Soccer Camp
Soccer Camp
Soccer Camp
Soccer Camp
Soccer Camp


In the summer of 2009 I took these photographs of the wonderful sports camp at my local University. I use a fun little blue colored VGA Carabiner Camera made by Argus called the bean sprout. It was a fantastic day and everybody was in a great mood. It seemed like there was about 400 or 500 people at the event.

I like to watch girls play soccer. I mostly like Big Ten Soccer, the girls here ranged from about 5 years old up to about 13 years old. They were highly energetic and were all having such a good time. It helped that the weather was really good and there weren't really any negative parents or coaches.

I highly recommend that everyone check out your local community for fun sports camps, youth leagues or anything that is fun and safe for young people to get involved with. These camps provide the kids with memories that last a lifetime.


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