Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The dream of Team Tibet

Al Jazeera[Saturday, December 01, 2007 11:56]
By Brendan Connor in Brussels

Table tennis player Pema Yoko would one day like to represent Tibet at the Olympic Games [Al Jazeera]
Table tennis player Pema Yoko would one day like to represent Tibet at the Olympic Games [Al Jazeera]
It's a sunny afternoon, and like many football fields around the world, there are a couple of teams getting set to kick it about.
Here, the sides are made up of lads of Tibetan heritage, and they are playing in a tournament.
They have hopes of winning, but the main reason they are there is to spotlight their cause.
And that cause is an independent Tibet, free from China's rule, and perhaps someday, a place in the Olympics under their own flag.

Click here for more story

Click here for previous video clip Tibet vs Bhutan

Source: http://tibetsports.blog.com/2007/12/03/the-dream-of-team-tibet/

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